Frequently asked questions

When will revitalise be launching?

The exact date is yet to be confirmed, although it will be some time in April 2024. Be the first to hear updates and receive pre-sale prices when you get on the waitlist.

What is the financial investment for revitalise?

The fee structure is designed to spread the cost of your financial investment over time and to keep your costs as low as possible as you can implement and gain a lot of healing before we even start to work more intensely 1-1 which is more costly. By working through the material in the correct order you can also reduce costs by not paying for and implementing treatments at the wrong time thereby negating any benefit of the treatment.

Revitalise is £649.99 or six monthly payments of £124.99.

Please note these are guide prices and the final amounts will be confirmed before the launch.


I have various options to work with me 1-1 with either HTMA or root cause muscle testing to suit your budget and give you the level of support and accountability you’re looking for. I have a full breakdown of costs on the work with me page. There are also payment plans available for 1-1 packages. Additionally, by utilising HTMA (the cheapest lab test there is!), plus muscle testing and energy clearings in my 1-1 work significantly reduces the costs you might otherwise face e.g., spending significant amounts of money on functional lab testing and unnecessarily large supplement protocols.

Do your 1-1 offers include supplements in the cost?

No. This is at an additional cost. You can expect to pay around £100-£200 a month on supplements. Supplements differ hugely in their quality and cost but your recommendations are based on my experience and knowledge of particular brands and supplements. This includes the purity of the supplements, quality, bioavailability (ability to be properly absorbed and utilised by the body), effectiveness and predictability of results.

What is muscle testing? What are energy clearings? And how do you work with these modalities?

There is a whole section dedicated to these questions on the work with me page. Please take a few moments to read this and if you have any further questions you can contact me via email.

What other functional laboratory testing do you offer other than HTMA?

I am also fully trained in analysing:

  • Organic Acid Tests

  • Blood Chemistry

  • DUTCH (hormone testing)

  • Mycotoxin panels

  • Food sensitivity testing


Revitalise, coupled with 1-1 work with me if required for you, is incredibly comprehensive and has been designed to take you through the correct order of operations to see significant improvements in your health and live the life you deserve free of symptoms. Having said that, it is impossible to know if this will be all you need to fully heal. For some, yes, this will be all they need. For others, they may make significant progress but still need some additional work. Additional work I see clients needing may include; Biological dentistry for dental infections contributing toward symptoms, body work such as Feldenkrais, Chiropractic care etc, mould remediation of the home, and/or moving out of mould.

How can i work with you as a 1-1 client?

I have a full breakdown of how you can work with me 1-1 in the work with me page. Please be aware, that 1-1 client spaces are very limited and there may be a waiting list. You can book a discovery call today to see if we are suited to working together.

How can i book an appointment with you or a free consultation?

At this time I am only working with a select number of clients whilst I finish creating Revitalise. I will open up my calendar for discovery calls in April. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do contact me via email and I will get back to you.

revitalise your health